Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hi Da...
The only problem is that v used to call each other unparliamentary names. but do ppl who really love each other need to call each other with names? I dont remember wn i last called you by ur name or any nickname u ever got. when two ppl love each other so much y use mere names? Really love you dude. i've hated very few things about you and i very well remember u felt more mushy for me cos i told u frankly on ur face that u need to correct urself on those grounds - turning up much later than promised for stay-overs, going elsewhere under the pretext of staying over at my place ... (oops! olarittaenaa?) etc. But one thing i really hate u for is to have pushed our dearest TVJ (as on both of our phonebooks) to a tight corner with only one thing in mind. I'm gonna meet him soon. hv not seen him in a month n especially cos he's back at work and has taken a shave since u left him so lonely. But still v all love you. Thats something which comes off us involuntarily, spontaneously, obviously, naturally and reflexively for the kinda person u were.

Who else on this planet would know how u were crazy abt nila? U kept telling me the other day all the way from ur place to mine only one thing "Machaan nila daa.."
Each time i c ur favourite babes on tv, i cry.
each time i eat tomato rice i cry.
each time i eat sambar rice i cry
each time i hear thee-pidikka i cry
each time i wanna discuss something so private which i talk only with you, i cry
each time someone who dunno you try to show off saying trivial things, i cry
each time i c yuppie blush i feel like crying cos iam not able to reach out to you.

by the way, remember the post-it slip u wrote n kept on my dad's table. That actually came true. but guess she got lucky enuf tho. And Bijou is ur maanaseega student. ekalaivi. I'm sure u wont know one bit of mythology cos u r my hero who said mullai means rabbit, raddish n all.

I just so miss you.
I can just so hear Shaggy dont b so glum da... and i can c ur face and the bag i got 4 u on ur shoulder as u bid one last time for me to leave from college with you and go home.

Dont make me feel all so guilty again
u wont know how much i missed u wn i was at Kota baharu. Damn, u'd hv ragged my ass off were u with me. and i'm sure if v both had backpacks, v'd hv swam across that small stretch from kota baharu to thailand. i missed you cos the guest room at chinna maamiyaar's house had a double bed, typically like the one in ur bedroom. v'd hv spoken all night if u came with me. may be i shd've traveled with you that day fm college to ur place. had v spoken to ur mom, she'd hv given it a thot and arranged for you too 2 come with me.

i miss you so much for so many things i cant blog about. I love you Da. Never ever has my heart missed my hero more.

The last day of college, i didnt wanna pose for pics with anyone. i literally ran away. how can i, without my lover around?
you know how many times i waited and craved for you to walk thru the entrance of that room and come to me and say "shaggy watsup?" or some such shit? Aen da?
But one thing is for sure. i really loved you and i still do.
i dunno y i'm punished with a life without you
3 yrs with Bijou has not been this happy.
3.5 yrs of friendship with you had been so lovely. v fighted so little. you never dumped me. Were either or you or i a girl, sure v'd hv gotten married too. But y on earth did u enter my life, loved me so much, be a friend to me who never believed in friendship, showed me love isn't gender-based n so many things?
U r a mean dash. dunno wat to call you. may be just ur name. Remember how u got ur most recent nickname. u blabbered in engg management hour and yuppie framed the name. Gosh... I cant even blog this. u hv just been too mean to me. More than ever.
But i'll always love you da.
I'll be ur shaggy. That's y i signed off so many shirts on the last day as shaggy or shagz. anything for you and anytime da.
I still love You. I always will.
U will always inspire me. I'll watch all vijay movies for ur sake.
hv fun up there.
Luv, hugs and the lil gift i wanted to give you wn u were gonna leave India.
Miss you doesnt say it all.
Shags (i by mistake started signing off as wat other ppl call me. but here u go)

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