Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I have just no energy left in me to absorb what's going on around me. He told me he doesn't care anymore,bro. Give me the bloody hope you used to. Why are you so passive?! Today, when I went past Vantage Towers I thought about the times you used to come downstairs to see me everytime I came there. I slip into a different world sometimes, where you are so real, your hugs are still warm and magical, you still talk to me. Suddenly, I snap back to "reality".Why doesnt "reality" have you in it?
It has him. Bro, he took care of me. I miss him. Tell him that. Remember the pseudo conference call? Lol. Thanks ,Bro. You did that just so i could hear his voice. Why did you do so much for me?
Love you ,
Sis constantine.